
Yesterday Annette called me up and told me she was, in a rather excited voice, pregnant.

“Whoa, slow down, what makes you say that?” I ask. “I just did two pregnancy tests and both came out positive,” I’m informed.

I’m not sure how this happened. What a minute. I know how this happened but given that I’m 43 and Annette is somewhat over 35, it shouldn’t have been this easy. We were suppose to have to go through infertility counseling or adopt. Of course, I’ve always wondered why it is called fertility counseling. Do they teach you techniques that help get pregnant easier? Ok, I’m wandering here a bit. Stay focused.

After a brief conversation we decide to have Annette go get tested today to see if she is pregnant since it was already nearly 5pm yesterday. Third time is a charm. She’s pregnant. No, we’re not pregnant. I hate when people say that. I’m not pregnant although some smart ass who knows me would say that I look it. So, the question is what will our kid look like?

I hope she gets her head size from one of her distant Aunts. Yes, I said she. Just have a feeling although if she is a boy that will be ok, too. Maybe this because she was expected on March 29th, the day after my grandma’s birthday. She’ll probably be early since Annette is diabetic and I guess babies from diabetic mom’s come early.

An interesting aside is this. Last night we were over at our neighbor’s house, Liz and Terry. After Nick, her son, was a pain she commented to us: “Don’t have kids!” I wonder what she’ll think now.

One last thing. Is it just Annette or does every woman excited show the pregnancy test to their husband? Honestly, the last thing I really want to look at is something that has been peed on. I have three cats and a dog to fulfill that need. Even stranger, I suggested we keep the test for the scrap book. I’m not sure how the conversation will go on that. “Look everyone. Here’s the pregnancy test that Annette peed on to determine if she was preggers with little Tina.”

This is rather rambling and will be held until we tell everyone. I’m going to keep blogging until the baby is born.

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