There’s No Chance

Edmonton winning last night (or the Kings losing) ended the Kings hope of making the playoffs. Marty McSorley, a Kings commentator on FSW, said that Dave Taylor didn’t get a chance to make hockey decisions. He said that JR was brought to LA because of publicity. God, I hope that wasn’t the main reason. Of all the people on the team, he was the most disappointing.

So, You're Saying There's a Chance?

The quote “So, You’re Saying There’s a Chance?” from Dumb and Dumber was on the top of today’s Kings game day preview along with “The Kings have developed cockroach-like survival skills over the past few weeks, continuing to linger in the conference playoff race despite predicitions of their demise.”

Tonight may be the night where the Kings are officially eliminated. I hope they win tonight, Saturday night when we are there, that the ‘Nucks and Oilers lose their games, and the Kings season comes down to Monday in San Jose. A crazy end to a crazy season.

The craziness went sideways today when Sean Avery was bascially kicked off the team. He won’t be playing the last 3 games or in the playoffs. WWAD? Get his but kicked off the team.

That's All She Wrote

So, today I graduated from Pepperdine with my MBA. Well, not officially, but I did e-mail in my last final, a take home one. I started this thing 4 years ago and have slowly slogged through finance, accounting, strategy, economics, business plan, and a host of other classes. My wallet is a lot lighter and my brain a bit bigger.

Luc also retired today. He is the most popular King of all time. Most people outside of LA think that Gretzky was the most popular King. Personally, I would rank Wayne behind Luc and Marcel Dionne for sure. Maybe behind Butch Goring.

Seems like today is the day that things come to an end.

Put a Fork in Them

The Kings are done for the season. I was at the game on Saturday and it was a loss to forget. I wish the Kings could’ve played better down the stretch. Maybe with a new coach and new GM next year, they’ll make the playoffs. Now, the only thing to look forward to is Frozen Fury in Las Vegas in September.

Loss to Ducks

Of all the teams to lose to, did it have to be the Ducks? The Kings have fallen at least 5 points out of a playoff spot by any reasonable measure. Largely, the loss to the Ducks reduced the realistic chances of the Kings making the playoffs to almost 0%. Yes, they could run the table and maybe make the playoffs but this isn’t realistic.

Bummer. After the great start, I was hoping for some playoff hockey for the Kings this year. Injuries doomed them. Especially annoying was the injuries to Frolov and Demitra during the Olympics.

Oh, well. Let’s see what the Kings can do for the rest of the year. It would be nice to go out fighting.

Kings Win, Kings WIn!

The Kings won last night on a PP goal by Demitra in his first game back in a couple of weeks. The win put the Kings within 2 points of a playoff spot. Tonight, they play the Ducks. The Ducks have been hot, winning 7 in a row at home. The Kings looked good last night even though they only won 1-0. Here’s hoping that the Kings score big against the Ducks tonight.

Go Kings Go!

Canucks v. Kings

Here’s hoping that the Kings win tonight and make the rest of the week fun. Unfortunately, I’m in class tonight (last one before graduation with my MBA) and will have to watch the game on Tivo.

Go Kings Go!

Some hope?

Annette and I went to the game on Saturday. The Kings managed to beat the Stars 1-0 and stay in the hunt for a playoff spot. Today, the Kings needed the Ducks to beat the Canucks, the team that the Kings are chasing for the final spot. The Ducks won. Now, the Kings need to beat the Canucks on Monday, the Ducks on Tuesday, and the Sharks, the team they are tied with for 9th on Thursday, and things look better for the playoffs. Of course, one win against either Vancouver or Edmonton last week and the Kings would be on the inside rather than the outside looking in.

The cool thing about Saturday is that I caught another tennis ball and we received an autographed Michael Cammalleri puck. The uncool thing is that with 20 entries into the group leader giveaway, we didn’t win. Oh, well, we batted .500.

Two Losses?

Arrrrrrrrrrrrg. Two stupid loses. They Kings played with no heart. Although they have a chance, the Kings would need to run the table now. Possible but not probable. We’ll see how this plays out but it appears to be a disappointing end to this season. I still have 3 games left and I was hoping that the games would mean something.