
The Car Talk puzzler is online with the question and the answer. So, when you need something to tickle your brain, jump over to the tap it brothers site. The site requires speakers to listen to the answers.

Phallus Museum

If you ever go to Iceland, you must check out the Phallus Museum. A collection that start with a simple bull penis has grown to over 200 examples from over 90 species. Strangely, one of the missing ones is human. The museum has 4 potential human phallus donors lined up and is waiting for one of them to die. I think the short days made someone go crazy.

Leo Laporte

On Saturdays and Sundays in LA, and on XM Radio, there is a guy named Leo Laporte on the air. His website is for Tech Guy Labs. The show is podcasted after airing on the weekends and the answers to the callers is summarized on the website. This is one of the few tech shows that isn’t insulting or too geeky and it covers all electronics, such as TVs and cell phones.

Found Magazine

This site publishes stuff that people find on the ground. Strange apologizes, break ups, and other random stuff is the norm. Read and enjoy.

Cats that Look Like Hitler

Ever wonder what happened to that guy who smoked too much pot in high school? He may have went on to found this site. I’m not sure who the first person to notice a resemblance between their cat and Hitler but I guarantee you that he was stoned when he made the observation.

Buy t-shirts and other stuff to commemorate your visit to the site.

Tom Cruise is Nuts

Ok, I don’t necessarily believe that Tom Cruise is nuts but here’s a fairly slick site that makes a good argument towards this end. Check out the disclaimer at the very bottom of the first page about the use of the word nuts. Check out all the quotes. Kill some time looking at the site.

Funny thing about this site is that I found it because Leo LaPorte, the tech guy, reported that Tom Cruise was buying the ad words Tom Cruise to put up his official site. Kill some time looking at the site.

Which on is better? False choice. They are both good sites.

How Many 5 Year Olds Can You Fight?

Want to know how many 5 year olds you can fight? Go to this site, give your information, and following these rules, you will know how many 5 year olds you can fight. Here are the rules:

This short survey will tell you approximately how many five year old children you could fight at once. Results are based on physical prowess, training, swarm-combatting experience, and the flexibility of your moral compass. Here are the ground rules:

  • You are in an enclosed area roughly the size of a basketball court
  • There are no weapons or foreign objects
  • Everyone is wearing a cup (so no kicks to the groin)
  • The children are merciless and will show no fear
  • If a child is knocked unconscious, he is “out.” The same goes for you.

Men Who Look Like Kenny Rogers

Why did someone notice that alot of men grow old and look like Kenny Rogers? Maybe too much time at Hometown Buffet. Take a look at the number of men who do look like Kenny Rogers. Maybe the should start a site called men who look like Bob Seger?