Education Loan Debt Statistics In 2020: Accurate Documentation $1.6 Trillion

Education Loan Debt Statistics In 2020: Accurate Documentation $1.6 Trillion

At the time of 2019, this is actually the break down of education loan borrowers by age:

62: $75.9 billion (2.1 million borrowers)

Education Loan Debt Outstanding By Student Loan Program

Over 35 million education loan borrowers hold around $1.2 billion in Direct Loans. Another 12.1 million education loan borrowers hold $262 billion in Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL).

Direct Loans: $1,242.6 billion (35.1 million borrowers)

Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL): $261.6 billion (12.1 million borrowers)

Perkins Loans: $6.1 billion (2.0 million borrowers)

TOTAL: $1,510.3 billion

Student Loan Debt Great By Education Loan Type

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